Farm Equipment

75% of Corn, 73% of Soybeans in 'Good' or 'Excellent' Condition

June 20, 2016

With all of the corn acres planted and emerged, USDA is reporting that as of Sunday, June 19, 75% of corn acres are in ‘good’ (60%) or ‘excellent’ condition, no change from the previous week. Corn conditions are slightly better than last year on this date. The ag agency reports that a year ago 71% of corn acres were “good” (57%) or “excellent” (14%).

With 96% of soybeans planted, the crop’s progress is above the previous week (92%), the previous year (89%) and the 5-year average (93%). The same is true of its emergence, with 89% currently out of the ground vs. 79% a week ago vs. 81% a year ago and the 5-year average of 84%.

USDA rates the overall conditions of soybean acres as 73% “good” (61%) and 12% “excellent” (12%). This compares with 74% “good” (62%) or “excellent” (12%). Last year on this date, 65% of soybeans were reported to be “good” (54%) or “excellent” (11%).