Claas Names Parmer County Implement Lexion Parts & Service Provider for Texas
OMAHA, Neb. — Claas announces that one of its leading forage harvester and hay tool dealers — Parmer County Implement — is expanding its product support portfolio to include the Lexion combine range and will now serve the West Texas area previously covered by Warren CAT.
Based in Friona, Texas, Parmer County Implement will expand its service team and parts distribution to effectively cover the territory which also includes portions of western Oklahoma. Additional parts and service support to Parmer County Implement will be provided directly by Claas in the start-up phase to ensure coverage of customer needs during this upcoming harvest season.
“For Lexion owners in the area, we plan to immediately utilize experienced technical support and a parts distribution point directly in the area,” said Clint Hurst, Parmer County Implement president. “We have many years of experience serving the forage harvesting market, where timely parts and service are absolutely critical. This puts us in an optimal position to meet the needs of Lexion owners as well.”
The addition of Parmer County Implement is beneficial to both Lexion and Jaguar customers alike.
“Parmer County Implement has proven through their performance with the Jaguar forage line that they understand customers’ operations and what they expect from their dealers. With that track record, Parmer County Implement is an ideal example of Claas growing our long-line distribution partners representing the complete range of products,” explained Claas of America President and General Manager – Sales, Eric Raby. “The addition of support for the Lexion combine range is a natural next step and continues to demonstrate our commitment to customers, with actions and not just words.”
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