Top 10 Farm Equipment Industry Stories from July 2015
Here's a list of the most popular items we've published at from the month of July:
1. Dealership of the Year 2015: Ritchie Implement Inc. Cobb, Wis.
2. Titan Machinery Cuts Inventory, Raises Cash
3. On The Record: Rising Crop Prices Are Good News for Dealers
4. On The Record: Strongest El NiƱo In 50 Years
5. Kubota's FY2015 Revenues Rise 5.2%; Continues Its Push into Big Ag
6. Changes Coming at 2 North Dakota John Deere Dealerships
7. From the Desk of Dave Kanicki: Kubota's Still Going Big
8. Ag-Pro Acquires 11 Stores from South Texas Implement and Tractor City Dealerships
9. Business of Selling: Dominating the Market
10. From the Desk of Dave Kanicki: Did We Experience an 'Ag Equipment Bubble?'
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