Free eGuide
Dealer Strategies for Capital Access & Transitional Wealth Management
February 20, 2015
Download now to see how you compare with your dealer manager peers.
This FREE eGuide is full of charts and data — the poll results of dealer managers at Farm Equipment’s 2015 Dealership Minds Summit in Cincinnati on January 13, 2015.
This valuable reference, compiled by the editors of Farm Equipment, shows the results of polling conducted during the workshop “Strategies for Capital Access & Transitional Wealth Management in Equipment Dealerships."
Presenters Tom Owen and Nick Mast, partners of ChannelMASTERS LLC, used 100 auto-response units placed among the attending dealers to gather immediate input.
Download NOW and see how you compare with the responses to concerns like:
- Disruption to leadership if the inevitable happens tomorrow
- Valuation, liquidity and governance stakeholder agreement
- Frequency of business assessment
- Largest capital investment made
- Planned capital investments
- Succession plan
- Ownership status
- And more!