Farm Equipment

Jenner's Purchases Taylorville Case IH Dealership

December 26, 2014

The Case-IH farm equipment store in Taylorville, is now officially owned by Jenner's, Incorporated of Harristown, Ill. Jenner's CEO Steve Jones confirmed to Regional Radio News Wednesday, that the deal was completed on Tuesday.

Jones says that Jenner's made a few changes in staffing, but they retained most of the Taylorville personnel. There are 13 full-time employees, plus Jenner's brought in a couple of employees from their Harristown store.

The Harristown location sells Case IH sprayers. The Taylorville store that Jenner's acquired, sells the full line of Case IH farm equipment.

The Taylorville store had been owned by Tri-Co Equipment, whose owners were Dwight Shore, Wilmer Otto, and John Britt. Shore and Otto also own Farm Pride Equipment, which has 5 other locations in east central Illinois.