Published and copyrighted 2025 by Lessiter Media, 16655 W. Wisconsin Ave., Brookfield, WI 53005. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher.
PRODUCTS IN ACTION Montag Mfg. Inc. 3816 461st Ave. Emmetsburg, IA 50536 Phone: 712-852-4572 Fax: 712-852-4574 Email: info@montagmfg.com Website: www.montagmfg.com Key Contacts President Roger Montag Vice President/ General Manager Anthony Montag Sales Manager Brian Johnson Marketing William Montag Trade Name • Montag Montag Mfg. grew out of the original patented idea for the unique air chambers of its founder and president, Roger Montag, in 1986. With the need to carry multiple tons of dry fertilizer on systems not designed to carry additional weight, Montag developed its now popular auto-steerable carts. As interest in the cart and the meter made with the unique air chambers increased, it became clear that the time had come to set up the family business and start selling the cart and meter. So, in 2005 the family business was incorporated as Montag Mfg. Inc. and started selling products to the farming industry. In January 2015, Montag celebrated its 10-year anniversary and the release of the New Generation of Metering system that is referred to as Gen II, as well as the Camoplast track option on its auto-steerable carts available in 16- and 18-inch widths to substantially reduce compaction over the standard two-wheeled carts (the track is only available on the 12 ton cart). Designed from the bottom up, the Gen II metering system has been on the wish list for years here at Montag Mfg. Gen II is a true dual product metering system with the following list of features: • Independent scales on both of the 4.5 ton tanks to track application. • Add or subtract rows (1-18) keeping pace with your operation and offering more flexibility. • Configure drives you can now easily invest in a metering platform that can be adapted to your operation as it changes and evolves for years to come. • Greater serviceability designed to be more corrosion resistant by using stainless and composite materials while maintaining a cleaner and simpler design, making repairs and service easier. This new product provides agriculture producers a valid way to reduce costs. By applying nutrients in a band underground, you can decrease the amount applied and still maintain or improve yields. Gen II, the next generation of nutrient metering, provides greater performance and efficiency, with higher accuracy than other systems. Rock solid and reliable in design, Gen I — the original Montag metering system — is a well-tested design manufactured entirely out of 300 series food grade stainless steel or a chemically resistant poly. Each row is individually metered for greater row-to-row accuracy, which is a key requirement with precision agriculture. The Gen I is available in both High Output and Standard, in 8, 12, 16 and 18 row (24 row in High Output only) with the meters available with either a standard or low-rate metering screw. Montag Mfg. is a valued partner with many tillage OEM companies and has a strong and growing dealer network to serve Montag customers. 9 ton Montag behind a Salford bar. Call us today 712-852-4572 or email us at info@montagmfg.com. Visit us online at www.montagmfg.com |
PRODUCTS IN ACTION A Message from Montag… Here at Montag Mfg. we pride ourselves on building high quality products with industry leading design and support. As farmers research their options this fall, there are, no doubt, huge challenges facing them in farming today. Not least among those challenges is where to cut costs in their farming operation. One place I would encourage farmers to investigate would be their fertilizer Anthony Montag input costs. If farmers are broadcast spreading phosphate and potash fertilizer on their fields, they could see as much as a 30% savings by making the transition to banding their fertilizer. In addition to saving money, banding also helps to establish healthier plant life by placing the nutrients directly in the root zone, thus feeding the crop instead of the weeds. There are also conservational, soil health and environmental reasons that help to make banding fertilizer a good idea. Fertilizer that is broadcast is far more susceptible to being washed away with heavy rains or to have immobile fertilizers like P placed at the top of the soil profile where it is not available to the crop. Why does placement matter? Ultimately, when talking about fertilizer placement the question should be, “Where will the nutrients do the most good for the crop you’re raising in the soil profile?” And the answer is, in the aerobic soil — deep enough so that there is consistent moisture to maintain root activity throughout the growing season. Fertilizer that is broadcast on top of the soil and then “mixed in” with little or no incorporation to the aerobic soil, dries out in the summer and is unavailable to the crop, as there is no root activity to access the nutrients throughout the season. Fertilizer that is placed too deeply, and is in the anaerobic soil zone, is less available to the crop due to the lack of oxygen, thus limiting the microbial activity necessary to make these nutrients available. But don’t take my word for it. Look at what those who have made the transition to banding say and see what their experience has been. Testimonials “We’re going to do more appli- cation in the fall, because with the Montag, we’ll have more options. Now we’ve got four different times we can apply nitrogen. We can do fall anhy- drous, spring urea, sidedress 32% with the planter and sid- edress with anhydrous, too. Our window of opportunity is much larger.” Nate B. — Minnesota “Since we’re banding the fer- tilizer right where the root mass is going to form, we’ve reduced our P and K rate by about one-third of broadcast rates. We’re soil testing every 2-4 years, and have strip- tilled some fields for about 12 years. We’re not seeing any decrease in soil test levels of P and K with that reduced rate approach.” Jeff R. — Iowa “The availability of nutrients across the board — whether it’s on our high-testing or low- testing soils in that strip — is the key to consistent and even drought-resistant crops. We treat fields differently, but we’ve been able to save 10-15% in fer- tilizer costs through more tar- geted applications based on soil tests and my own intuition.” Alan S. — Wisconsin CONTACT US TODAY TO TALK TO A REPRESENTATIVE! 712-852-4572 info@montagmfg.com • www.montagmfg.com |